10 Reasons Why Electric Cars Are Bad

More and more people are opting to buy electric cars these days. It’s no secret that the future of automobiles is all about going electric, and traditional combustion engines are on their way out.

But let’s face it, once electric vehicles become mainstream and flood the streets, they won’t be turning heads like they used to. While there are plenty of advantages for both individuals and society, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, especially considering the current stage of the industry’s development.

When buying any car, price-quality ratio, range, lifespan, resale value, performance (both in the city and on the highway), safety, and comfort are important factors to consider. The truth is, electric cars don’t always tick all the boxes in these areas, and it’s crucial to know which models best match your needs and preferences.

There’s no doubt that these drawbacks will be overcome in the long run, given the industry’s potential, but for those looking to buy an electric car today, it’s important not to overlook these ten reasons why electric cars are bad.

10 Reasons Why Electric Cars Are Bad

10 Reasons Why Electric Cars Are Bad

Here are the 10 reasons why electric cars are bad:

#1. Limited driving range.

A big problem with electric cars is that they can’t go as far as regular cars on a single charge. Although some progress has been made, most electric cars can only go about 200 to 300 miles before needing to be charged. That’s a lot less than a petrol car can afford.

This can be a real concern for people, especially those who frequently take long trips or live in places where there are few charging options.

#2. Charging Infrastructure Challenges.

While this is being worked on, the charging infrastructure for electric cars still has some catching up to do compared to the widespread availability of gas stations. Charging an electric car takes significantly longer than filling up a petrol tank.

Sure, there are fast charging stations, but they’re not as common as regular gas stations. This means that long distances with an electric car can be tedious and take a lot of time.

#3. Take a Long Time to Charge.

Filling up your petrol or diesel car can take just 5 minutes, but Electric cars take a long time to charge the batteries. Even with those nifty fast charging stations, you still need to expect around 30 minutes to an hour to charge your battery to 80%. And if your battery is completely discharged, you will have to wait a long time because it can take several hours to fully charge.

This lengthy charging process can be a real problem, especially if you have a busy schedule or are taking a long road trip. You need to plan ahead and be patient to make sure you have enough juice to reach your destination or the next charging station. As they work to improve battery technology and charging infrastructure, we’re still waiting for charging times to become significantly shorter.

Related article: How Long Does it Take to Charge An Electric Car?

#4. Limited Options available.

The electric vehicle market needs more variety! In contrast to the numerous models that exist with gasoline cars, with electric vehicles there are mostly sedans or compact cars. This leaves fewer options for people who want SUVs, pickups, or other types of vehicles.

And don’t get me started on the prices! Luxury electric cars dominate the higher price brackets, making it difficult for budget-conscious folks to find an affordable option. It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack to find an electric car that suits your needs and preferences.

But hey, things are changing! As the electric vehicle market grows, more and more manufacturers are starting to offer different types of vehicles to meet consumer demands. Finally some progress!

#5. High Initial Cost.

Electric cars can be pricier than traditional gasoline cars. Take the Peugeot e-208, for example. It costs a little over £34,500 in GT trim, while the top-spec petrol Peugeot 208 with 129bhp in the same trim is £27,290. Although the e-208 is faster, that’s quite a big price difference.

However, when it comes to luxury cars, the price gap isn’t as noticeable. For instance, the base Porsche Taycan is only £2,600 more expensive than the entry-level Porsche Panamera. But remember, the price is just one aspect to consider when assessing costs.

There’s more to it than just the initial price:

  • Road tax savings until 2025 – Electric cars are exempt from road tax, potentially saving you up to £2,365 in the first year compared to petrol or diesel cars. Granted, that number assumes you’re driving a gas-guzzling vehicle. Even a basic Nissan Qashqai would cost you £220 in VED tax for the first year and £155 annually thereafter. From 2025 onwards, EVs will pay a flat £165 fee.
  • No £40,000 VED surcharge until 2025 – If you choose an electric car, you won’t have to pay the £355 tax surcharge for vehicles costing over £40,000. This translates to a saving of £1,775 over five years.
  • Lower running costs – On average, the cost per mile for an electric car is less than half of what you’d spend on a traditional car. This calculation includes charging costs. Electric cars also require less frequent servicing and have fewer moving parts, reducing the chances of something going wrong. Most EV services involve changing brake fluid and windscreen wiper rubber, along with a thorough cleaning. Over three to five years of ownership, these savings can add up to hundreds or even thousands of pounds.
  • No Clean Air Zone Charges – Many city centers enforce clean air zones where only ultra-low-emission or zero-emission vehicles can enter without being charged. For example, driving within London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone costs £12.50 per day, which can amount to as much as £250 monthly if you’re not in an electric car.

#6. Low Top Speeds.

Electric cars generally have a lower top speed than regular cars, at least on average. But hey, there are some exceptions. Take the Maserati GranTurismo Folgore for example. With a speed of around 299 mph, it’s one of the fastest electric cars you can find. Pretty impressive, right?

This beast is slated to launch in June 2023. But let’s be honest: This speed is overwhelming and not all electric cars can keep up with it. To get any closer, one would have to go for the best of the best.

On the other hand, several traditional internal combustion engines (ICE) cars still outperform this Maserati in speed. So, if you’re looking for blazing-fast speeds, you might have to wait a few more years for electric cars to catch up.

The reason for this difference is that manufacturers are focusing on making electric car batteries long-lasting and efficient, rather than just prioritizing performance in high-demand situations.

#7. Battery Lifespan Concerns.

Many folks worry about how long their EV’s battery will last. The consensus is that it should stick around for about 10-20 years and up to 150,000 miles. If you drive sensibly and charge carefully, you can squeeze more life out of your battery. Plus, if you’re someone who upgrades their car every few years, the manufacturer’s warranty has you covered.

Speaking of warranties, EV batteries typically come with a generous guarantee of around eight years or 100,000 miles, which is way better than most warranties for regular engines. They usually promise a replacement or repair if the battery capacity drops below 70%.

Sure, replacing an out-of-warranty EV battery can be pricey, but it’s not as common as some initially feared. Most people don’t find themselves in that situation.

Now, let’s talk about internal combustion engines. They don’t last forever either. A well-maintained engine can go for many miles, but you might have to shell out for various components that aren’t covered by a warranty. Engine overhauls can hit you hard in the wallet, and if you need a whole new engine, that can be the end for many cars. Just ask someone who’s had a snapped timing belt or chain.

When you consider the higher operating costs of a combustion engine over all those years (twice as much per mile), you might come out ahead financially, even if you have to replace your EV’s battery after 10 years.

Related Post: How Often Do Tesla Batteries Need To Be Replaced?

#8. Environmental Impact.

Electric cars have gained popularity due to their zero emissions, but their environmental friendliness depends on the source of electricity. Solar panels are the best option as they result in a lower carbon footprint compared to coal-powered stations.

Europe is making progress in shifting towards renewables, which should further enhance the environmental benefits. The battery pack is a significant environmental concern, but advancements in production and sustainable disposal sites are reducing the impact.

Ethical concerns arise from the sourcing of materials, but the oil industry has its own issues. Overall, electric cars can be a good choice for the environment, especially when powered by renewable energy, and improvements are being made in battery technology and raw material sourcing. It’s about making progress and selecting the best available option.

#9. Replacing A Battery Is an Inexpensive Affair.

Replacing an electric car battery can really put a dent in your wallet. These batteries are no joke when it comes to price, mainly because of their fancy technology and materials.

Depending on what kind of car you’ve got, a new battery could set you back anywhere from a few grand to a small fortune. The average cost of battery packs used in electric cars will reach $151/kWh in 2022 but is expected to fall below $100/kWh in the next few years.

For those of us on a tight budget, the idea of shelling out big bucks for a battery replacement down the line can be a real turn-off when considering an electric car. Sure, prices might drop as technology gets better, but for now, that steep cost is something to keep in mind.

#10. Fixing EVs Is a Different Ballgame.

Repairing electric vehicles can be trickier and pricier compared to regular gas-powered cars. EVs have fancy electronic systems and special parts that need expert know-how and specific tools for fixing them up.

So, finding skilled technicians and repair shops that can handle electric cars might be a tough nut to crack, especially in areas where the infrastructure isn’t fully set up.

This could mean longer waits for repairs and bigger bills for EV owners. It’s important to consider how easy and affordable it is to get an EV fixed before you decide to buy one.

So, Should I Get An Electric Car?

Electric cars can be a solid option if they suit your driving needs. Apart from practical things like saving money on running costs and getting tax benefits, EVs offer a smooth and super-responsive driving experience.

Don’t give up on the idea of going electric just because you have to travel long distances. If you have access to fast chargers and choose the right electric vehicle model for your needs, it can still work well.

If you live in a remote area or in a place where charging your electric vehicle is not easy, then a regular petrol, diesel or hybrid car may be the best option at this point of time. It’s also hard to recommend an EV to someone without a drive if they’re not willing to compromise.

But hey, things are constantly improving in EV technology and charging infrastructure, so an electric car could very well be in your future. Besides, let’s face it, sooner or later, the law will probably make it mandatory anyway!